Hi everyone,
P6 have had another super busy week. They have been continuing to learn how to do division sums and how to do perimeter. Remember we are not going to understand everything on the first few tries so please keep working hard and asking questions. You will get there!!!
Skiing was super duper again this week! It is really sad to know that it is the last week next week – 9th Nov ! What is super is that all of our parents and carers are very welcome to come and watch skiing next Thursday so we can show you everything we have been learning!!!
We should be started about 10am and we finish around 12ish. Please come and watch if you can!
We had a some outdoor learning at the end of Friday when we were completing a challenging measure conversion game and trying to find codes on hidden cards. We should finish this next week so fingers crossed the weather is good!
We are continuing to work on our Play Award with Lynsey Murphy and next week we have to plan and organise our own session. We have been learning about our participants, safe areas, communication and team work. We have also had lots of fun playing the games she has set us!!!
Take care everyone and have a lovely weekend! I’m sure it’ll be a quieter one than last week!
Enjoy… Mrs Fx