Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

P4S WC 12.6.23


Happy Friday Everyone,

It’s been a glorious week and so very warm in the classroom but we muddle through and do our best each day.

On Monday we were outside with P4F working hard to decode some Hieroglyphic Number puzzles, we stayed in the shade as much as possible and then, just before we came inside again, the storm came and we were caught out by the rain.  It didn’t do us too much harm, rather, it cooled us down as we made our way back into class.


Our other Numeracy activities this week have involved Fractions and working out Equivalent Fractions or Fractions of a Number.   Our Division skills are coming in handy at the moment so we are happy that we have learned all about Division earlier in the year.

In Literacy, we have been reading our Class Novel (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) aloud and discussing the story.  It’s a very long novel but we are almost finished it – it will be great to find out what happens in the end.   We also wrote a letter to our new P5 teachers to let them know all about us, which was an interesting introduction for Mrs McDonald and Mrs Millar to those of us moving into their classes.

It was too, too warm to go outside for P.E. this week so instead we had a few races and games inside but with lots of water to drink.  Having out own water bottles each day has been so useful in the very warm classrooms.

Next week, we are all very excited about our School Trip because there will be so much to see.

May I wish you all a lovely weekend,

Stay safe in the sunshine,

Miss Steedman

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