Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

P6: Week beginning 22nd May 2023


Here’s a quick round up of what P6 has been learning this week.

Monday: In Literacy we focused on writing in paragraphs using the TiPToP strategy. In spelling we looked at words with ie and ei. It was quite tricky but we used a wee rhyme to help us remember which spelling to use. For topic we learned what happens during a solar and lunar eclipse then we moved onto how space has been explored.

Tuesday: We continued to explore number patterns and sequences and the focus was square and triangular numbers. For literacy we used an online reading scheme called Giglets to develop our independent reading and thinking skills. Later we worked with a learning partner to complete a timeline on space travel and exploration.

Wednesday:  For maths with Miss Gibson we took our learning outdoors to find and draw shapes with different perimeters.  Then we made posters for our food topic in Health & Wellbeing. In the afternoon we focused on French and we learned how to talk about the hobbies we enjoyed. After that we had our Wednesday WOW session.

Thursday: Today we will be continuing our persuasive writing , number patterns and after that we will be doing an exciting STEM activity with Mrs Ferguson.

Have a super long weekend and see you back on Wednesday!

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