Happy Wednesday Everyone,
We have a short week this week but have been filling it with lots of activities.
In Numeracy, we have been revising and practising Subtraction Strategies, including Subtraction with Exchange and 2 or 3 Step-Word Calculations. Both of which are tricky but we have worked hard with each to improve our skills.
During our Outdoor Learning lesson with P4F this week, we were archaeologists digging for treasure. When we found an artefact we were asked to describe what it looked like, what it was made from and what we thought it might be used for. All very interesting and a bit messy too because there was a lot of sand.
Sadly, tomorrow, Mrs Connelly will be leaving us and we will all miss her so much. We wish her all the best on the next stage of her amazing adventure.
May I wish you all a wonderful, long weekend,
From, Miss Steedman