Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

P4S w.c. 15.05.23


Good Morning Everyone,

In P4S this week we have been very busy enjoying outdoor activities involving our Ancient Egypt topic.  We worked in groups to build pyramids using humans; spaghetti and marshmallows; and large blocks.

During our IDL work this week we have been learning about Hieroglyphics from the Rosetta Stone and have created our very own Cartouche decorated with Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics.  They are very colourful and look brilliant on our wall.

In Numeracy this week we have been revising our Subtraction Strategies using concrete items and money to build upon our knowledge.  It’s been a challenge but we are all working hard to keep learning this skill.

In Literacy, we wrote a procedural essay about how we Mummified a Tomato, which was an experiment which we carried out last week.  It was interesting to see what we could remember about the experiment and also how we use different sentence openers.

During our P.E. lesson, we practised for Sports Day using the sacks for our P4 Sack Race.  It was something new to many of us and we all had a lot of fun. Roll on Sports Day!

Have a wonderful weekend Everyone,

Best wishes,

Mrs Connelly and Miss Steedman


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