Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

Primary 2 Friday 31st March


In literacy this week we have been revising many of the phonemes and the children are progressing really well and now using their knowledge of sounds to decipher words and begin to spell some simple words with growing independence.

In maths, this week we have been subtracting  from 20 game using Numicon and number lines. The children are still having fun applying their problem-solving skills using the theme Goldilocks and the three bears exploring measure and volume.

As this is Food Fortnight for health and wellbeing, we will have been exploring the children’s understanding of healthy eating. Last week we explored where bananas come from and the type of climate, they need to grow so by contrast this week we have been looking at growing carrots and what dishes we could make using carrots. Big Cook Little Cook showed us how to make a carrot cake so you might get some requests to bake next week.

Thanks again for supporting your children with their homework tasks and preparing a short talk about their favourite toy. The children were very proud of their toys and good at explaining where they got it and keep it. Who is allowed to play with it and the class were very good at asking questions about their friend’s toys?

Have a lovely Easter holiday and happy egg hunting and enjoy some chocolate treats.

Go to this Sway

Mrs Carey


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