Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

P4S w/c 27.3.23


Happy Friday Everyone,

I hope that all is well and that you are looking forward to the Easter Holiday.

This week in P4S we have been learning about Easter and Holy Week, the week running up to Easter Sunday.  Pupils have had an added interest in the story of Easter because some of the class were involved in yesterday’s Easter Assembly.  Children put together the story in a sequencing activity which was trickier than they thought it would be but everyone did really well to complete the task.

In Numeracy this week, we have continued our learning about Data Handling which involved creating our very own surveys and asking pupils from around the school what their thoughts were on different topics such as favourite desserts, colours and shops to name a few. Pupils have been able to put the data in to Tally Charts and Bar Graphs and some Pictographs were also created.

Our Writing lesson involved Persuasive Writing and why it is important to use the Green Cross Code to stay safe whilst crossing the road. There were some very interesting pieces of writing this week which had very convincing arguments.

Yesterday, everyone made a 3-D Easter Hen and went home with a shiny egg inside it.  Sadly, I was so busy helping with Sellotape and staples that I didn’t have an extra pair of hands to take photos.  I’m sure though, that the finished articles when brought home gave you a good idea of the fun we had creating the models.

May I take this opportunity to wish you all a lovely and peaceful Easter,

Best wishes,

Miss Steedman

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