Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

P7 – 23rd March 2023


It is hard to believe we are almost at the end of this term!

This week has been the start of Food Fortnight across the school, with the added focus of Fairtrade too.

As part of our topic, P7 pupils have been learning about popular foods in China in comparison to Scotland.  We carried out research, discussed similarities and differences with Scotland and designed our own Chinese menus. Following this, food preparation skills were developed as the class made Chinese spring rolls.  This task involved slicing and grating vegetables, making a stir-fry and then wrapping the cooked vegetables in filo pastry.  It was a very busy morning and the classroom was full of delicious smells.  The kitchen staff were very kind and let us use the ovens to cook our spring rolls which were ready just in time for lunch!

Another aspect of Food and Fairtrade Fortnight has been looking at coffee production and how Fairtrade helps farmers make a fair living from growing coffee plants.  We watched an interesting tour of a Kenyan coffee farm and then researched where coffee comes from around the world; we plotted countries on a world map and made colour coded key labels to show each country, its flag and how many food miles the coffee has to travel to reach Scotland.

Literacy was focused on reading a report text called, ‘Spiders and How They Hunt’.  Pupils looked at and discussed  the features of the text and used the flow charts and venn diagrams included to find information before creating their own tables of information, using facts found in the report.

In Numeracy, we have been consolidating how to find equivalent fractions and started carrying out 2-step calculations to find a fraction of a quantity.

Homework was due in yesterday and we have been enjoying looking at each others’ work and listening to presentations about Chinese tourist attractions.  It has been brilliant to see the amazing and extremely creative models that have been worked on at home, each and every one is different and shows a great level of imagination! PowerPoint presentations and brochures have also been full of information and neatly presented.  Well done to all pupils who completed this task and thank you for any support you have given at home! (I will post some photos next week.)


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