Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

P5 Weekly Blog 10th March 2023


Happy Friday!

Hope we’ve all had a lovely week and are looking forward to the weekend. Here is a summary of what we got up to in class this week:


In literacy, we explored the “ow” phoneme and completed active spelling tasks such as diacritical marking and explored phoneme stories to improve our spelling. We also discussed a technique that writers used called “inference”. We know that to infer means to “read between the lines” and use clues to figure out what the writer really means. We will be continuing this work into next week.


In maths, we investigated probability and focused on the language of certain, likely, even chance, unlikely and impossible. The pupils loved the various challenges and worked well alone and in pairs to discuss the probability of different scenarios. We also had a problem solving day on Wednesday where the pupils went around a carousel of puzzles. They had to use different techniques such as trial and error, logic and resilience to test out their theories and solve the puzzles. This was really good fun!


In other areas, we have been focusing on Fairtrade as it has been Fairtrade Fortnight. We investigated the lives of Fairtrade farmers and watched many videos of the working conditions and hard work farmers around the world put into their jobs. P5 focused on coffee farmers and we explored where in the world coffee farms were. Using ICT, pupils research these countries in pairs and were able to identify these countries on a map.


We had a very successful dress rehearsal for The Lion King yesterday in front of the whole school and I’m sure everyone would agree our pupils were superstars!! Our pupils have all played to the best of their abilities and have worked so hard to get to this point. We are very excited to showcase the talent that Hurlford Primary has! Our performances tonight will be at the community centre and are 3:30-4:15pm and 7-7:45pm. We Just Can’t Wait… to see you all there! 🙂

Disney's The Lion King KIDS - ProductionPro

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

-Mrs McDonald x

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