Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

P4S w.c. 26.9.22


This week in P4S, we have been learning about Place Value in Numeracy and the value of each of the digits in a 3 digit number.  We have used different resources to partition the numbers and show these values which has made it clearer for us to understand.

On Thursday afternoon, we were sharing compliments with each other which boosted our confidence and demonstrated how it feels when we are kind to each other and how it feels when others are kind to us.  We are creating a colourful display of kindness in our classroom to share our experience.

As part of our Topic (Wildlife and Habitats), each pupil has been asked to compile a Fact File about a chosen animal which is from the Vertebrate Category of animals.  Pupils will present their research in a few weeks time (on our return from the October holiday), to the rest of P4S. This week, the children have been choosing which animal to research and deciding whether to make a Poster, a PowerPoint Presentation or a Booklet.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone,

Miss Steedman

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