Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

P7 Week Beginning 5.9.22


Another quick week in P7 is almost at an end. Here’s a round up of what we’ve been up to.

As a class we discussed the Rights of the Child and agreed our Class Charter to show how we will respect the rights of each other.  A vote was held to decide the theme of our display with most of the class opting for Disney.  Everyone chose a Disney character to represent themselves on the charter.

In numeracy, we looked more closely at decimal numbers and practised partitioning to three decimal places.  We know that after the decimal point there are tenths, hundredths and thousandths and we can write them in decimal and fraction form.

As part of our literacy work this week we looked at balanced arguments. First we identified the features of a balanced argument, then we competed to tip the scales in teams ‘For’ and ‘Against’. Finally, we had a go at writing our own balanced arguments (this is called discursive writing) based on our class novel, ‘ Kensuke’s Kingdom’. We used the title: Sailing Around the World – An Adventure of a Lifetime?

In a vote at the end of the lesson most of the class said they wouldn’t want to leave their homes and school to sail around the world. What do you think?

Well done to everyone in P7 who put themselves forward as House Captains and for other school roles, and congratulations to all who were successful.

Have a lovely weekend when it arrives,

Mrs Johnstone.


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