Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

P7J March 14th – 25th


The time has been passing quickly over the last couple of weeks and it’s hard to believe we’ve almost reached the end of term 3!

Here’s a round-up of what we’ve been up to in P7J.

Interdisciplinary Learning

We have been learning about China.  In Literacy, we have identified the features of information leaflets and created our own leaflets on some of China’s main cities.  We have also been researching tourist attractions and worked in pairs to create and present PowerPoint slideshows. The paints have been out for art, as we looked at Ming vases and designed our own; these are looking fantastic on the classroom wall display.

For STEM, we were challenged to build a section of The Great Wall of China, with a zip-line linking two towers.  This was quite tough, and relied on teamwork and resilience.

We have even been learning some Mandarin!

Numeracy and Mathematics

Lots of effort has been going into learning about fractions and the various related calculations.  Some super posters have been made to demonstrate what everyone has learned so far about improper and mixed fractions, equivalent and simplified fractions and finding fractions of a quantity.  The next focus is on making links between fractions, decimals and percentages.

Please remember to return your home learning scrapbooks to school before the holiday.

Literacy and English

This week the focus has been on identifying the features of a balanced argument and writing our own.  As it has been Eco-week, we looked at the question: should fines be given for dropping litter?  Next week, we will develop what we have learned into having a debate about another environmental issue.


On Monday we participated in a live lesson, by ‘Keep Scotland Beautiful’, about waste and litter.  There were three workshops to take part in and follow-up activities too: we designed litter monsters, made yarn dolls and set up an experiment to observe how different materials break down in compost.

We were also weeding the raised beds and planting tomato seeds.



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