Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

Recent Work in P7F


Over the past few weeks, P7F have worked really hard to develop their skills in all areas of the curriculum. Here is a quick update on some of the things we have been working on!



In maths, we have been focusing on our knowledge and understanding of decimals. We have learned to identify the value of these numbers and also can add and subtract them using the written method. Here is an example of some work:

We have also started to look at our times tables. We learned the stations in our 2 times table then created an outdoor learning game to practice. Luckily it stayed dry for us!

This week, we will be continuing to learn our times tables and will also start to look at fractions.



We are doing a block of instructional writing this term and have explored the features of the genre. Each week, we will pick out a board game from our class collection, learn how to play it and then write our own instructions for that game. Last week, we spoke about Connect 4, and discussed various strategies and tips to win the game. We then wrote our instructions which were detailed and included top tips.

For reading, we are taking a break before beginning our new class novel in Term 4 and are instead focusing on using Giglets. This is a website which can be accessed at home and can help pupils practice their fluency and understanding.



At the end of February, we were learning about the Christian celebration of Mardi Gras and how it was celebrated throughout the world. We learned that Mardi Gras was the same as pancake day but learned that in some parts of the world, it was celebrated by having a huge parade and eating King Cakes instead of pancakes. Jazz music was also a huge part of Mardi Gras. To demonstrate our learning, we worked together to create a wall display, made Mardi Gras masks and also had the chance to bake and eat some King Cakes. Yum!

We are learning about China as our new topic. So far, we have explored where China is in the world and its neighbouring countries and have compared how China and Scotland are similar and different. We also done some research about China and made some information leaflets which we are really proud of.


Thank you for reading our class update!

Miss Frew and P7F

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