Hello Primary 3!
I hope you had a fantastic weekend and managed to get out and play safely in the snow for a little bit.
Here are your tasks for Monday 25th Jan 2021
A couple of things to do with Robert Burns as it is Burns day which I hope you enjoy.
If you have any questions or want to have a wee chat, please email me dimitra.paraskeva@eastayrshire.org.uk
Also, if you have any issues with login information, here is the link with the form that has been posted in the app for your ease: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=oyzTzM4Wj0KVQTctawUZKQ5ZCwJfKoFMuktq-iMQ3aRURDFSTzdCUUVGUTJGMFNOWjdDUEcyRTNKVi4u
Don’t forget to complete your daily check-in whenever you can.
Have a fantastic day everyone! I miss you all very much!
Miss Paraskeva xx