Hello Primary 2B!
Another week almost done! Big thank you for all of your hard work and for emailing me your work and checking in! It always brightens my day to hear from you. Remember to take breaks while working and get some fresh air if possible! It’s good to refocus your brain and make work a bit easier.
We have are usual phonics and spelling work today. We are also looking at adjectives today and finishing off our length measurements. Some music today, we weren’t allowed to sing at school but we liked listening to songs in class so me can take advantage of being at home and being able to sing. Today your challenge is to make musical instruments maybe your whole family can and you can perform as a band to your favourite song 🙂
Have a fantastic weekend when it comes. I hope you all get up to lots of nice things.
Please click the link below for today’s home learning tasks. All YouTube videos needed are below
First video – Literacy task 1 (Blue spelling group)
Second video – Literacy task 3 (Adjectives)
Third video – Expressive arts (music)
Miss Baillie