Hi P3, hope you are all doing well.
I hope you’ve got your routine going now for doing your learning at home. I have to say a computer is not the same as being able to see all of your faces, and I am missing you.
Take plenty of breaks, remember to get some exercise too – there are lots of things you could try and if the weather stays dry a walk or a cycle outside is very good.
As usual you can contact me by email on maureen.mcmillan@eastayrshire.org.uk Some of you sent me pics of your fabulous Nessie projects last week. Such a good job by everyone.
There are tasks set for you on Education City, and try to get onto Splashlearn and keep practising the tasks that are there.
Here is your link for today P3 Tuesday 19th January
I’d like you to have a go at learning a Scots poem ~ here is the link. Try to learn verse 1 this week.
Hope you have a good day
Mrs McMillan 🙂