Good morning everyone,
Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and that Santa brought you some lovely surprises. Thank you very much for all the lovely cards and gifts you gave me. I am very, very lucky and appreciate your kindness. I have missed you all during the holidays and am sad that we can’t be back at school just now. Fingers crossed it wont be too long until we can all be together in our school. I am looking forward to our on line learning starting on Monday. Mrs Carey and I will create some fun activities for you to do at home. You have all worked so hard this year so we will build on all the clever things that you can do. ,We will also use Education City, which I know you are all really enjoy. Its very, very icy today so take special care if you are outside. Have a super weekend and take care of you and your family.
Love and Hugs
from Mrs Cuthbertson xxx