I hope you and your family are well. As we return this term to the challenges that lie ahead, please be assured we will work hard to work in partnership with you as you seek to support your child at home with their learning.
We are sorry not to welcome all our pupils back but I know that our pupils will do their best to show you hard they work in school at home, doing their daily activities.
From Monday 11th January, 21, our Primary and ECC staff will post daily on GLOW – remember that you can access GLOW without requiring a password. You just google ‘Hurlford Primary School Glow page’ to see your child’s class post.
Educationcity and Nessy (P3-P7) can be accessed online. Your child should be able to show you how to do this.
P4-P7 should also know their GLOW passwords so they can access Teams, unfortunately due to national guidance we are not allowed to share these with Parents/Carers/
We would encourage our older pupils to communicate with their teacher via their GLOW email and share their learning with their teacher, where possible.
We recognise that home learning can be very stressful for families, so we would just ask you ‘to do what you can!’
From Thursday 7th Jan, 21, keyworker and vulnerable children will attend school and the ECC from 8.45-2.45pm.
Pupils will be supervised to access remote learning posted by their class teacher. School meals will be available as normal, packed lunches can be brought if you wish.
Please note that there will be a flexible drop off between 8.45-9am. Pupils will dismissed via the main door on the first day and pupils will be able to inform you of arrangements from the Friday. Masks should be worn when dropping off and picking up children.