Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School

P7 Monday 9th November


Welcome back to a new week!

This week we will be exploring negative numbers; learning how to manage our email inboxes and thinking about Remembrance Day through a variety of activities.

Today we were all able to log-on to our Nessy accounts and start exploring the activities available to help develop our spelling and reading skills.

Rugby training also got off to a flying start with lots of great passing and catching being demonstrated.

Home Learning Tasks

  • We spoke today about logging on to Teams at home.  I would like you all to try logging on through your Glow accounts.  You can add Teams to your launch pad (if you did not do it in class) or use the App. You should use your Glow username and password to access our Teams page.
  • Please answer the questions in the ‘Dark Isle’ channel, remembering to write in sentences, with capital letters and full stops in the appropriate places.
  • You will find your spelling words in the ‘Spelling’ channel.  Practise these at home. We spoke today about practising joined-up handwriting too, so you may choose to do this at the same time by writing your words out.  Try talking to someone at home about your words and use them in conversation.  Red, yellow and green groups: can you identify the suffixes?
  • Develop your understanding of negative numbers by playing the two games I have assigned you on Education City in the homework folder.Please let me know if you have any difficulty accessing these sites.

Mrs J

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