Hello P6P,
We have made it to the end of term one and what a quick term it has been! Everyone has settled in very well to the school year, adapting to the changes around the school.
This week we completed the CANI Coaching programme. Throughout the week we participated in many team activities and challenges, developing our communication and team working skills. I think one of our favourite challenges this week was the stretchy band challenge where we had to get all of our team members through the stretchy band in the quickest time possible. Team one achieved the record score of 32 seconds! We also explored our personal values and set out goals for the future. We finished off the coaching programme with a graduation ceremony where everyone presented what they had been learning about throughout the week and received their certificates – it was a great success!
For your home challenge we will continue to practice our times tables:
- Google search www.topmarks.co.uk.
- In the search bar at the top, type in ‘times tables’.
- Select the first game on the list – Hit the Button.
- You can choose which times tables you would like to try (try to choose ones that you need more practice with).
- You can also select the mixed option to be challenged on all your times tables.
- Try a few times and see if you can beat your high score each time – good luck!
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday!
Miss McLeish 🙂