Hurlford Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

An East Ayrshire Council School



For young children Maths is embedded in their play and everyday situations. At Hurlford Primary we also build on and extend these experiences in a structured way. The main scheme used by the school is Scottish Heinemann Mathematics and Teejay Maths. Although a number of additional resources are used to supplement this scheme where appropriate.

As well as basic number work, the children learn about shape, measurement, money, information handling, problem solving and enquiry and calculator work. Financial education is further developed during Money Week.

Interactive Mental Maths plays an important part of our pupil’s learning. The emphasis is on activity and practical example. This is then followed by consolidation and practice. Assessment is built into the scheme and this allows the teachers to plan accurately for the next steps in the children’s learning.

The computer is a valuable resource and learning tool in Mathematics. The children learn a great deal of the mathematical concepts through the ‘fun’ of using the computer in conjunction with commercially produced software. The use of I.C.T. is embedded in the learning and teaching of mathematics.


Numeracy is a fundamental life skill. Being numerate involves developing a confidence and competence in using number that allows individuals to solve problems, interpret and analyse information, make informed decisions, function responsibly in everyday life and contribute effectively to society. It gives increased opportunities within the world of work and sets down foundations which can be built upon through life-long learning.

Whilst numeracy is a subset of mathematics, it is also a core skill which permeates all areas of learning, allowing pupils the opportunity to access the wider curriculum.

Teachers look for opportunities to develop and reinforce numeracy skills within their own teaching activities and through inter-disciplinary projects and studies.

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