P3 had a busy week last week with lots going on. We had a visit on Wednesday from Mrs White and had a great time doing some outdoor learning. First we tried to make a triangle shape using the whole class, then tried to find some triangular shapes in the playground. After that we started a story about some pirates, then tried out our pirate actions and voices ~ with most of us scaring Mrs White in the end!
In maths we were learning about doubles and near doubles – ask about what kind of numbers the answers to all doubles are.
We got our reading up and going, and some people managed to be star reader in their group with super reading aloud skills.
We designed our own pirate flags with some scary results, and also thought about what would be a treasure to us.
Here is the link to the home learning for this week.
Keep practising your reading, spelling and mental maths. Have a good week everyone!
Mrs McMillan 🙂