On Thursday 13th June, 11 pupils from P7 attended a Mandarin Showcase at the Grand hall Kilmarnock with Mr Du.
The P7 pupils enjoyed singing a song called “Lady White Snake” it was very fun and they loved listening to the other songs and watching some dances.
One of the acts we enjoyed most was by some academy students dressed up us pandas. The song they were performing was called “Hello Panda”.
Some students from Loudoun Academy performed some songs that were very enjoyable.
Some people from different schools took part in some fan dances, they were all dressed up in Chinese attire.
When we went up on stage we all tried our best to do really good.
We were one of the only groups that weren’t reading our words from a piece of paper, so it looked better.
However, one group made big, massive fans and put there words on the fans so they could read it off of a the fan.
Some acts had props like hats, fans, outfits and many more.
Some schools even did around 5 acts, the school that did 5 acts was called Annonhill Primary.
When we were leaving there was an act where all the teachers (and some pupils) got up and sang a song all together.
We all enjoyed the Mandarin Showcase and hope to go again sometime soon.