All posts by Miss Gray

The Life Cycle of a Butterfly!!

Chelsea has been exploring the life cycle of the Butterfly at home!

Stage 1:  The butterfly will lay her eggs onto a leaf.  These can be round, oval or cylindrical.

Stage 2: The caterpillar hatches and works on eating the plants so it can grow.

 Stage 3: The Caterpillar undergoes a process called metamorphosis, inside it’s chrysalis, where it is rapidly changing!!

Stage 4: The fully formed butterfly emerges, drying off it’s wings.  Whilst we waited for each of the butterflies to emerge, we fed them fresh orange.

Stage 5: We set them free!!


^^^ watch the release here!!


Our children in the Sunshine Room love doing yoga! To help you at home, here is a link to cosmic kids yoga adventure.

To find more, search on youtube, Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure.

Gloop Experiment

A Little Experiment!!

Solid or liquid???

You will need:

A container
A little water
A spoon

  1. pour a little water into the container
  2. add the cornflour a little at a time
  3. mix until you have a thick ‘mush’
  4. what happens when you put the spoon into the mush (it sinks)
  5. what happens if you hit the surface? Is is solid?
  6. touch it. What happens? The quicker you are, the more solid it will feel.
  7. knead it. What happens? It forms a ball. What happens if you stop? It becomes liquid again!!
  8. finally, can you drop a ball into the container? As it falls, what happens? It bounces and then sinks.

Science is amazing!!!!