A reminder to say that Flowerbank ECC will be closed for all children for the September long weekend – Friday 18th & Monday 21st (inclusive). There has also been an additional holiday set for Thursday 17th September for Term Time children. If you are unsure if your child attends term time, please contact us.
Many Thanks
Team Flowerbank
Dear Parents/Carers
Please see attached letter and information sheet.
2020-09-07 ltr to parents and carers re covid19.docx
MIS20-089-CC Common cold and COVID symptoms – A4 info sheet
Speech & Language
Speech and Language are now offering Online Drop Ins if you have any concerns about your child’s speech and language development.
Recognising COVID-19 Symptoms
Common Cold & COVID-19 Symptoms
Please click on the link below to read a letter to all parents and carers from Professor Jason Leitch, National Clinical Director.
Coronavirus – Jason Leitch Letter on testing and common colds – 31 August 2020
In This Together
Here are some of the colourful rainbows and pictures that our children have made.
Peer Massage/Yoga
Our first Peer Massage/Yoga session of 2020. We focused on the eyeglasses, cat grip & baker massage techniques.