Learning Updates

Please remember to check the Updates Page on the school website.

Staff have been working remotely from home and are in the process of making Learning Grids that will be available from the class blogs from Monday to supplement the learning packs issued and Education City and Giglets.

Please be aware there is no expectation to complete everything and these activities and tasks should be spread out over time.

Thank you for your support and understanding at this time.

Hi Everyone

Hi P 3/4

I hope you all had a good weekend in the garden with your family, enjoying the sunshine.

I know that Education City and Giglets have not been working very well but hopefully this will be fixed soon.

Joe Wicks and Jump Start Jonny have free workouts every day that you can try out.



David Walliams is also reading stories each day that you might enjoy.




Please look in your home learning pack for lots of websites or just write a story or play hit the button to practise your times tables !

Remember you can write your news on word in your glow account. I can see this and look at what you have all been doing.

Speak to you all soon

Mrs Ross 🙂




Spelling Outside

We were telling our partner the words of the week and we wrote them in chalk. We checked each others work – James

James and Rory made up a game called “Spelling Tig”

We played a memory game called ” The Farmers Hen has Laid an Egg”




Susan – I liked getting fresh air because it makes my learning better and fun.

Harris – I liked playing spelling tig because I like running games.

Luke – I liked writing the words down and my partner checking them.

Rory – I liked playing the spelling game that me and James made up.

Sophie –  I prefer going outside to learn and I liked writing with the chalk.

Max – I liked playing the talking memory game.

Fairtrade fortnight

Today we used our knowledge of money to calculate the costs of the ingredients to make a banana loaf. We calculated that each loaf would cost £2.50 to make. We then baked  banana loaves using some fairtrade ingredients.

In class we sliced the loaves in to 1/10s and then calculated the price of each slice. We decided we would add 10p to each slice if we were selling, making a total profit of £1 per loaf. Then we all got to eat a delicious warm slice !



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