Category Archives: Across the Curriculum Learning

Welcome Back!

Hi Primary 3/4,

I hope you all had good fun over the holidays and enjoyed lots of fun in the sunshine.

Your new home learning grid is attached below.

The link to your grid :     P3 p4 Weekly Grid- 20.4.20

Daily live Events to try :Daily Live Events

You can choose which activities to complete and when you would like to do them.

I can see how you are getting on with Education City, Sumdog and Giglets when I log on. If there is anything else you have completed or photos that you would like to show me, these can be added to your own blog, emailed to me or added to the comments on this blog.

Numeracy Task from grid : multiplication-active-learning-grid

Rigour Maths Calendars:             

1st Level April Calendar

2nd Level April Calendar

I will put the answers to the calendars on Friday for you to check how you got on.

I hope you enjoy trying out some of these activities.

From Mrs Ross  🙂

Learning Grid 30.3.20

Good Morning Everyone,

Week Beginning 30.3.20

Primary 3/4 learning grid.

P3 p4 Weekly Grid- 30..3.20

 Please click on the image to see the grid.
For daily live events please click on the link below
  • There are a selection of activities which can be completed as and when suits you. Have a chat with adults at home to make your own plan. Please note, you do NOT have to complete all these tasks.
  • If you wish for activities to be checked by your class teacher, please upload these to your EPortfolio by 10am on a Friday. This may be done by creating posts on your EPortfolio or uploading photographs of your work.
  • Class teachers will check all EPortfolios on a Friday and may comment on your work.
  • A new grid will be uploaded every Monday for each class therefore it is important you check the class blog regularly. You will also continue to have access to Giglets and Education City.
New logins have been created for all pupils P2-7 for Sumdog. Your login details will be e-mailed to you. To access this e-mail;
each pupil will need to log in to their own Glow on your launchpad click on the ‘Mail’ tile (Outlook – this should be your first icon) you will then be taken to you mailbox (you may need to select a time-zone first)
It would be good if you have read this and can pass this information on to your peers to make sure everyone is able to access the same information.
Mrs Ross 🙂

Fairtrade fortnight

Today we used our knowledge of money to calculate the costs of the ingredients to make a banana loaf. We calculated that each loaf would cost £2.50 to make. We then baked  banana loaves using some fairtrade ingredients.

In class we sliced the loaves in to 1/10s and then calculated the price of each slice. We decided we would add 10p to each slice if we were selling, making a total profit of £1 per loaf. Then we all got to eat a delicious warm slice !



Making Thinking Visible

We “stepped inside” the characters from our class novel The Secret of the Kelpie” by Lari Don. Working in groups we talked about what the characters would think, how they would feel and what they would do next. We created a book with all our work.
We can tell you all about the legend of the Scottish Kelpie, just ask us!

Fractions with Shortbread

We have been learning all about fractions in maths. Today we made shortbread and then cut our shortbread shapes into fractions. We then decided what fraction of the shortbread looked bigger ( and which fraction we would like to eat!)

We even cut our tray of shortbread into 1/14ths so that all the staff could try our delicious shortbread.