All posts by eajudith.ross@glow

Badminton Challenge Practise

We are taking part in the inter schools badminton challenge. Today we were improving our badminton skills in preparation for the challenge next month. Our active schools co-ordinator was very impressed with our hand to eye coordination ! We will practising over the coming weeks and fingers crossed we do well in the challenge. Watch this space for results in February.

Making Thinking Visible

We “stepped inside” the characters from our class novel The Secret of the Kelpie” by Lari Don. Working in groups we talked about what the characters would think, how they would feel and what they would do next. We created a book with all our work.
We can tell you all about the legend of the Scottish Kelpie, just ask us!

Fractions with Shortbread

We have been learning all about fractions in maths. Today we made shortbread and then cut our shortbread shapes into fractions. We then decided what fraction of the shortbread looked bigger ( and which fraction we would like to eat!)

We even cut our tray of shortbread into 1/14ths so that all the staff could try our delicious shortbread.