Friday Feedback #teamfenwick

We won!

Well Primary 3/4 what a way to end our school year, winning the East Ayrshire Sumdog Contest ! Out of 100 classes that entered we were 1st place !

I am so proud of you all. I wish we were together in school to celebrate. I really do believe  we are the best class in Fenwick Primary School 😉

Well done to Ellis who  was a top 10 scorer in the contest.

I will email all  certificates to your glow email to print at home.

I have loved reading your blogs, looking at your photographs, seeing what you have been doing online and hearing how you have all been getting on at home. You are all Gold Award Dojo Winners !

I will be thinking about you all over the holidays and I cant wait to come and visit you all in your new classes in August!  

Take care of yourselves, remember to be kind and have lots  fun with your family and friends.

with love from

Mrs Ross



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