Wednesday Check In

I can’t believe we are at the last Wednesday check in before the summer holidays!

This week I have been in school  getting lots of things ready in my new classroom for next year. It feels sad being in school without you all there and I miss all the buzz and fun that we all have together in Fenwick Primary.

I hope you all got a chance to see the Virtual Prize Giving Ceremony. 

You can view this here.

Well done to every single one of you in Primary 3/4  for achieving the 125 Community Cup for all of your achievements and community spirit in lockdown ! It really has been a difficult time and I am proud of you all!

Well done to Ellis for achieving  the Primary 3 Endeavour Award and to Susan for achieving the Primary 4 Endeavour Award.

I have been  doing some work in my garden last week  and after power washing my decking I oiled it all and I am really pleased with the finished results.  Unfortunately it has rained every day since I have done that , but on Tuesday evening I managed a quick cup of tea before the rain started again!

I have been challenging myself to walk 20,000 steps each day so I have been walking early in the morning and late in the evening. Tonight when I was out for a walk with Olive a young fox sat and watched us from the garden. He looked very nosy and wanted to play with Olive. She was not interested and just wanted to chase her ball.

Mr Ross and I  collected lots of tree stumps from Greenbank Gardens beside where we live. We spoke to the gardener who had been chopping lots of trees down in the woods and he said we could take as many as we could carry. We will chop them up for our wood burner in the winter. It was heavy work, Olive helped us by sniffing them a lot! Friday will be the last day for our lovely Miss Jaffrey. She is off to University in August to train to be a primary teacher. We wish her lots of luck. I have sent her a wee card and a present from all of us in the class. I hope she shares a little picture of it with you when it arrives!

I hope you all have a lovely week in the sunshine and remember to keep playing Sumdog whenever you can !

I will post our final Friday feedback and share the Sumdog results with you all then.

From Mrs Ross


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