Feedback Friday

Good morning Primary  3/4,

Next week will be our last week of home learning before the summer holidays.  I am very proud of all the things you have been doing at home and how well you have all been coping with not being at school:)

Here is some of the fabulous work that you have completed this week. I will add more throughout today as I look at all your hard work.


This week our writing and reading tasks were all about the jungle and 1 little jungle animal made a guest appearance this week too !


Remember today is the start of the East Ayrshire Sumdog Competition so get playing to help us move up the leaderboard ! 🙂

Our class contest has now ended and this week’s top ten on the leaderboard looks like this :

Well  done Susan who won this week’s contest. 🙂

Have a lovely weekend


Mrs Ross



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