Wednesday Check In

Good morning boys and girls,

Only one more week of school before the start of the summer holidays. The staff have all been busy this week getting things organised for our last week of term. Keep your eye on our blog for more news!

I have been in school this week getting things organised for our return in August. It felt very strange at first being in the building but it felt good to be back in our lovely wee school!So today I will have a look at my emails and your blogs to see what you have been doing while I have been in Fenwick Primary.

At home I have enjoyed meeting up with some of my friends for a cup of tea in their garden and a blether. My dad came and had a BBQ with us in our back garden and it was lovely to spend time with him.   I am still doing lots of walking , last night the bats were swooping around our heads as we were walking past the woods behind our house. There have been some beautiful sunsets t his week.

Don’t forget that the East Ayrshire Sumdog Contest starts this Friday! Good luck Primary 3/4!

Keep sending me your messages and keep me up to date with all the things you have been doing.

Take care

Mrs Ross


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