Feedback Friday

Good morning boys and girls , what a lot of work you have completed this week! I am super impressed with you all ! Some of you have finished all your Education City and Giglets work so I have added lots of new work on there for you, you can have a look today or next week.

Thank you to everyone who emailed back with a wee check in. It really is lovely to hear from you all! I check your e-portfolios and your emails so please get in touch if you need any help or if you just want to tell me how you are getting on.

I  was working in the Hub yesterday so if anyone messaged me, I will get back to you today.

I have added some of you fabulous work below.

Enjoy your sunny weekend 🙂

More sports day fun from last week


Preparing healthy snacks

Making Bird Feeders


Wellbeing Jars

Fun Outdoors and Indoors

Lots of written work

And a lovely birthday message from class friends !

Keep up all this amazing hard work ! I am proud of you all !

Mrs Ross


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