Learning Grids 27.4.20

Good  morning Primary 3/4,

I hope you have all enjoyed your weekend.

Here is your learning grid for this week. Please choose which activities you would like to complete.

P3 p4 Weekly Grid- 27.4.20

**If you have trouble opening any of the links on the grid, all worksheets are attached at the bottom of this page .**

Daily Live Events

Lots of you are uploading your work and photos to your own e-portfolios for me to see and some of you  are emailing me photos and completed work 🙂 . Please let me know if you need any help or if you have any questions. You can also add a comment to this blog.

I hope you all enjoy some time outside in all this lovely sunshine.

Keep working hard and taking care of each other,

Mrs Ross


  • There are a selection of activities which can be completed as and when suits you. Have a chat with adults at home to make your own plan. Please note, you do NOT have to complete all these tasks.
  • If you wish for activities to be checked by your class teacher, please upload these to your EPortfolio by 10am on a Friday. This may be done by creating posts on your EPortfolio or uploading photographs of your work.
  • Class teachers will check all EPortfolios on a Friday and may comment on your work.
  • A new grid will be uploaded every Monday for each class therefore it is important you check the class blog regularly. You will also continue to have access to Giglets and Education City

Primary 4/ P3 Challenge  Maths Worksheets and Activities:

Addition and Subtraction Word Problems

Subtraction Calculations

Challenge Word Problems

Addition Calculations

Time :

Time Revision

Hot Time Challenge

Spicy Time Challenge

Timetable word problems

Primary3 Numeracy Activities:

Subtraction Calculations

Addition Calculations

Addition and Subtraction Word Problems

Time :

Time Revision

Hot Time Challenge

Spicy Time Challenge

Literacy Word lists :

Stage 4 :


Stage 3:

Silver Group

4 thoughts on “Learning Grids 27.4.20”

  1. Hi Mrs Ross

    Eoin has been doing some work in Education City and he wrote a story last week. He was also out on his bike a lot.

    I will send you pictures via email.

    Please can you send me Eoin’s sumdog password as he has tried a few times and can’t remember it? Thank you.

    I must confess we haven’t done a huge amount of work. It’s difficult as Emma has no schoolwork at the moment. But we do play a lot of games together like Monopoly, I spy and the ABC game where you all have paper divided into columns and you list at the top – boys name, girls name, colour, fruit/veg, then something of your choice eg Marvel characters. Then one of you say the alphabet in your head and someone else stops you. Whatever letter it is, you need to write something in each column beginning with that letter.

    I hope you are well and keeping safe.

    Kind regards
    Laura Brown

    1. I will email you with Eoin’s sumdog password.
      We have been playing lots of family board games too. It is good to have some time family together just now and just as important to look after everyone’s wellbeing.
      Take care
      Mrs Ross 🙂

      1. Thank you. Sorry. I have just noticed on the grid it says his sumdog password is in his flow email. I’ll get him to log into glow too x

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