Tag Archives: Miss Jaffrey

P3/4 Health Week

Today P3/4 took part in various different activities focusing on developing our health and wellbeing in celebration of Health Week.

We started our day with massage followed by a Taekwondo session where pupils learned many skills including coordination, balance and quick reflexes.

In the afternoon we completed our daily mile outside and also practiced our races for sports day.

P3/4 HWB- Begin Every Day With A Smile

P3/4 have been experiencing some new routines as part of our morning start to get ourselves ready to learn.

From the moment P3/4 walk into the class they are welcomed with mindfulness relaxing music and some individual selective mindfulness tasks they can complete.

As a class we are focused improving our mindset so that we are eager and ready to learn. Some activities that have helped us achieve this are doing construction team work tasks and doing whole class massage.

P3/4 Visualisation

During literacy time P3/4 have been exploring and understanding the importance of the skill of visualisation when reading text.

We first discussed the term ‘visualisation’ and then pupils worked together to identify the important information within a description that could help to create a visual image in their minds.

Each group had a different short story to read and then draw a picture to represent the short story.

The pupils loved this activity and found it interesting that everyone’s  drawing looked unique because we each visualise and interrupt situations differently.



P3/4 Shopping on a Budget

P3/4 are continuing to work with money up to £20 and use their knowledge of column calculations to add and subtract different monetary values.

Today we discussed the importance of having a budget and how to calculate the total cost of items and how to calculate the remaining value of change left over.

We linked our learning to the wider world of work by becoming shoppers ourselves. Each group were given a set budget which they could spend on items from a Lidl catalogue.
Pupils completed 3 important steps:

1. Pupils selected the items they wanted to buy

2. Next they added the total cost of the items

3. Lastly they subtracted the total cost of items from their total budget to calculate how much change was left.

P3/4 P.E. Time Challenge

P3/4 continued to link our learning of time into our P.E. lessons and became sports coaches for an afternoon.

We participated in many different challenges improving our speed, strength and stamina as well as becoming more confident recording and reading digital time.

Below we can see the pupils in teams with each team member having a very important role.

Roles included:

  • Recording the time using stop watch
  • Recording time as data on a piece of paper
  • Participant completing the activity

P3/4 Exploring How We Use Time

P3/4 have been linking their knowledge of time to the wider world of work. We have been using different methods and devices including sand timers, stop watches and analogue timers to record time in minutes and seconds.

In class we participated in a series of interactive group activities where pupils would take turns to record how long it would take their partner to complete the activity. Pupils would then record their own individual times as data in a table format.