Tag Archives: HWB

P3/4 Health Week

Today P3/4 took part in various different activities focusing on developing our health and wellbeing in celebration of Health Week.

We started our day with massage followed by a Taekwondo session where pupils learned many skills including coordination, balance and quick reflexes.

In the afternoon we completed our daily mile outside and also practiced our races for sports day.

P3/4 HWB- Begin Every Day With A Smile

P3/4 have been experiencing some new routines as part of our morning start to get ourselves ready to learn.

From the moment P3/4 walk into the class they are welcomed with mindfulness relaxing music and some individual selective mindfulness tasks they can complete.

As a class we are focused improving our mindset so that we are eager and ready to learn. Some activities that have helped us achieve this are doing construction team work tasks and doing whole class massage.

P3/4 Science Week- Save Our Bees

Today P3/4 recognised science week by learning about bees and why they are so important for our world and ourselves.
In recognising that bees play a very important roll in our survival we decided to help our bees survive by planting flowers so that they can continue to pollute our earth.

P3/4 loved being gardeners for the afternoon and planting flowers just in time to welcome our bees back for spring. 🐝