All posts by Miss Jaffrey

P3/4 Vertical Calculations

This week P3/4 have been extending their knowledge of vertical calculations to identify and solve written problem solving questions.

Pupils could select the level of challenge from a variety of problem solving questions, varying from adding 2-digits to adding three 4-digits together with exchanging and carrying on tens.

P3/4 Climate Change

Today P3/4 explored what it is like to be an ECO Activist and discuss their own thoughts and ideas about climate change.

To spread their ideas on how we can help improve climate change, pupils made ‘Save Our Planet’ posters to spread awareness of the impact climate change is having on our planet and some top tips to improve climate change.


P3/4 Scary STEM Creations

This week P3/4 have been exploring their creative side and embracing elements of STEM during their early finisher tasks.

Below the girls have used their prior knowledge and building skills to create a mechanical moving Halloween scene.

Below Elvie has created a Halloween themed poster.

P3/4 P.E. Football

P3/4 have been advancing their ball skills to develop important movements needed for football.

This week we have focused on ball control making sure we can stop the ball effectively with our dominant foot and passing the ball to an acquired target using the inside of our foot.


P3/4 Chilli Challenge Problem Solving

P3/4 have been using their mental math strategies to help solve some tricky addition and subtraction word problems.

We were learning to identify specific terminology used for addition and subtraction written problem solving questions and use that knowledge to help solve for the answers.

Pupils could select the level of challenge they wanted to complete. One chili being the least challenging to three chilies being the most challenging.

P3/4 Outdoor Mental Math Challenge

P3/4 have been learning and revising number talk strategies to help to solve addition and subtraction calculations mentally.

We took our learning outdoors to complete a mental math hunt around the playground.

Pupils worked in teams to find 8 different calculations cards and then solve them.

Their challenge was to find and solve all 8 cards to then be able to make a word with the letters on the back of their cards.

Each team had one word and collectively all the words made a sentence for the whole class.