All posts by Miss Jaffrey

P3/4 Internet Safety Day

Internet Safety Day 2022, When Is Internet Safety Day 2022? History,  Significance, Theme, Quotes, Images And Wishes - Techbondhu

Today P3/4 have been discussing the top tips to keep us safe on the internet and when using technology.

We decided to focus on how important it is to stay safe when playing online games and the strategies we can use to keep us safe whilst playing online games.

Below we went on an adventure with our new outer terrestrial to discuss the features of online games and help us understand how we can play safe.  At the end of our discussion we decided to share our knowledge of what we have learned to create our own Guide to Gaming which communicates top tips for keeping our self and others safe online.

Top Tips for keeping us safe online



EA 10 top tips to stay safe online – Parents

P3/4 Growth Mindset

Over the last few weeks P3/4 have been working on developing a growth mindset and learning how to use positive praise to help our own learning.

P3/4 have been building and strengthening our relationships within our class and together we worked as a team to build a whole class kindness chain.


Below the pupils had their second session with Jane which focused on using a traffic light system to identify different feelings and what things make them feel like that way.

P3/4 Time To Go Outside

P3/4 are becoming more confident in telling the time using both analogue and digital format.

Today we began to look at time intervals and explored what would happen if we added and subtracted specific amounts of time.

We explored this concept by playing a game of ‘what’s the time Mr Wolf’ but with a twist. Instead of calling out an o’clock time, we asked questions with time interval calculations. E.g What is 1 o’clock add 1 hour 30 mins.

We ended our lesson by reinforcing our knowledge of analogue time to create our own natural analogue clock.

P3/4 Outdoor Numeracy

This week P3/4 have been revising and expanding their learning of greater than, less than values with the added challenge of deciding which correct symbol to use when creating an equation.

Pupils worked in teams to find a variety of items to compare their sizes and quantities to determination if they had to use greater than or less than when writing their equations.



P3/4 A Celebration for Robert Burn’s Day 25.1.22

In celebration of Robert Burn’s Day (Tuesday 25th January) pupils can come into school wearing something with tartan pattern.

We will also be trying out some Scottish food such as oatcakes, short bread and iron bru. Diluting juice will also be available as an alternative.

If you have any concerns or requirements please get in touch with the school or email myself directly at

P3/4 Time To Go Outside

Today in P3/4 we took our learning outside and implemented what we have learned about time to complete some team building activities.

We have been learning to identify and understand time using the analog clock format and today we learned how to represent time in a digital format using am and pm.

In small groups the pupils were given a card with a specific time. However some groups were given the analog format and some groups were given the digital format. Their goal was to match the analog and the digital format which represented the same time. It required working together as a team with good communication skills to complete the task successfully.

We then continued to focus on our team building skills in the garden where the pupils had all challenges to complete.

World Children’s Day

It is World Children’s Day today! 

To celebrate this occasional, pupils can come into school wearing something that shows off their personality. For example; favourite colour, pattern and so on but can I remind pupils to not wear any football strips or tops.



P3/4 Understanding the Meaning of Well-being

Happy Monday from P3/4 

Happy Monday Music - Happy Monday Always Starts With A Smile - YouTube

Today we had a very special visitor in our class to talk to us about well-being and to help us understand a little more about our emotions.

We talked about understanding the difference between physical health and mental health and discussed different ways in which we can look after our physical and mental health.

It was interesting to find that we all had different opinions and thoughts when identifying different emotions and not everyone will feel the same way about something but that is ok.

Our special well-being visitor from the NHS will be completing a series of workshops with our class as we discuss more about well-being. These will be completed on the following dates: Monday 24th January, Monday 31st January and Monday 7th February.

For more information please feel welcome to get in touch with the school if you have any questions.

Below the pupils identified six different emotions they have felt and linked these emotions to a colour of their choosing which they would then use to colour in their rainbow.

P3/4 Important Reminder

P3/4 have successfully settled back into school and are embracing new learning as we start our second term.

Can I please remind pupils that any personal items such as toys, cards, games, etc. must stay at home and are not to be brought into school.

Reading books are an exception as long as it is for personal reading and children do not share their book with others in the class.

This is in light of the updated Covid guidance where we are strongly discouraged to share personal items with others.