P3/4 Visualisation

During literacy time P3/4 have been exploring and understanding the importance of the skill of visualisation when reading text.

We first discussed the term ‘visualisation’ and then pupils worked together to identify the important information within a description that could help to create a visual image in their minds.

Each group had a different short story to read and then draw a picture to represent the short story.

The pupils loved this activity and found it interesting that everyone’s  drawing looked unique because we each visualise and interrupt situations differently.



P3/4 Shopping on a Budget

P3/4 are continuing to work with money up to £20 and use their knowledge of column calculations to add and subtract different monetary values.

Today we discussed the importance of having a budget and how to calculate the total cost of items and how to calculate the remaining value of change left over.

We linked our learning to the wider world of work by becoming shoppers ourselves. Each group were given a set budget which they could spend on items from a Lidl catalogue.
Pupils completed 3 important steps:

1. Pupils selected the items they wanted to buy

2. Next they added the total cost of the items

3. Lastly they subtracted the total cost of items from their total budget to calculate how much change was left.