P3/4 Active Schools Football Training

This week P3/4 participated in their first active schools football training session with two professional football coaches.

As part of a 4 week block we will be learning and developing our football skills including dribbling, passing, ball control, teamwork and decision making in our journey to become better footballers.

P3/4 Remembrance Day Literacy

This week P3/4 have been learning about Remembrance Day and it’s importance.

Each day we have learned a new piece of information about Remembrance Day and have used this knowledge to inspire us during our literacy activities.

Above the girls are using their spelling words to add colour the poppy.

Above we completed a reading comprehension activity in which we were challenged to find information within a text to help answer a set of questions related to Remembrance Day. As an early finisher we could challenge ourselves to follow a set of instructions on how to make a poppy using recycled materials.