Tag Archives: Article29

P2/3 – Science Center

Science Center

P2/3 had an amazing time at the Science Center today. The children loved going to the planetarium and learning lots about the stars and planets (P2/3 were brilliant at answering questions about the phases of the moon!).

We then explored all the different floors of the Science Center, including BodyWorks, Space Zone, Powering the Future and Newton Flight Academy.

What an amazing day had by all! 🙂


P1/2/3 – World Book Day

World Book Day

Today Rachel McGaw came to visit the school. She read some of her new fairytales to P1/2/3 and one of her published books – Ruan the Little Red Squirrel. The children loved meeting Rachel and had lots of questions to ask her about being an author.

After break, the children took part in World Book Day activities, including Guess Who, a Scavenger Hunt and the Book Swap.

Happy World Book Day!