Grange Academy

Becoming the people we are capable of being…

August 14, 2020

Update from Mr Johnston

Dear Parents/Carers

A huge THANK YOU to all our pupils for their understanding, patience and cooperation over the first few days of term. We have been incredibly impressed by you!

We have been reflecting on our new procedures over the last few days and in general, thanks the cooperation of our pupils, they have been working well. As expected there are some areas which we will want to refine and improve.


From Monday 17th August, we will operate a split lunch system. There will be no change for pupils in S4 to S6.

For pupils in S1 – S3 lunch will now take place from 12:20pm with their period 5 class starting at 1:10pm. To accommodate the lunch provision for Annanhill and Park Schools, pre-ordered lunches will be available for collection from 12:40pm. This change is in response to our early experience of welcoming pupils back to school and mitigates against the risk of congestion within the school building during the lunch break.

This change applies on Mondays to Thursdays only. Lunch for all pupils will be at the normal time of 1:10pm on a Friday.


In line with our arrangements for the early part of the week, we will also release BGE pupils (S1 – S3) five minutes early from their Period 5 class on a Friday. This will allow a staggered release from the building and mitigates against congestion on Beech Avenue at the end of the day.

Senior Phase pupils will be released at the normal time of 1:10pm and school transport will depart as normal at 1:50pm.

An updated overview of these changes is available by clicking on the image below.

We look forward to welcoming all of our pupils back to Grange Campus on Monday 17th August.

Yours sincerely

Robert Johnston

Head Teacher


August 13, 2020

School Meals Pre Order Portal – Instructions

Today, S1 pupils received a letter with instructions on how to log into the School Meals Pre Order Portal.  Pupils are able to access this portal via their own personal device (tablet, iPad, phone etc).  You will find an easy access button to the Portal on our school app.  Instructions on how to install our app are available here.

Please click on the image below to find the instructions on how to activate your account.

August 12, 2020

2020 Day 1

Thank you to all our pupils and staff for a great first day! It was so good to see everyone!

We know it was a lot of information to take in but we really appreciate your support. 

A few things to remember:


S4-6: you can go to your Period 1 class when you arrive (any time from 8:30 onwards). Also to save crowds at the very end of lunch it would be helpful if you started to head towards your P6 class. 


S4 : you’ll be in Maths period 1 tomorrow. A list of the rooms you should go to can be found here. Room numbers will be on the doors. 

4B1 – F052
4B2 – F053
4D1 – F055
4D2 – F056
4G1 – F057
4G2 – F060
4H1 – F061
4H2 – F063


S4-6 pupils: school/college courses won’t begin until the week beginning Monday 24th. Private study facilities will be available, should you wish to remain in school. 


We are aware that some of the details haven’t been pulled through on Senior Timetables. We have sorted this today and will reissue them tomorrow to you. Mr Cowan is working through the subject change requests that have been received from through the form on the school app and will make contact with you.

Thank you

August 11, 2020

Accessing Glow Mail

We are aware that some pupils are having difficulty accessing their Glow Mail – particularly if accessing from a mobile device.  The steps below should help:

1.   When you log in to Glow on your mobile it may take you directly to your own Launch Pad.  Some may have the mail app here and others do not.  If you cannot see it on this screen click on the ‘My Launch Pad’ drop down at the top of the screen (circled red)


2. The drop down menu will open up and you should select Grange Academy (circled red)


3.  You should now be able to see the Mail icon (you may need to scroll down to find it).  Inside there should be an email from Education Admin with instructions to follow.  We’ve circled the mail icon red in the image below.

August 10, 2020

Ayrshire College Clearing Day

If there are any pupils who were unsuccessful in gaining a full-time College place – you can now register for this year’s “Clearing Day”.  This will be taking place virtually and you can register via this link.

Once pupils have registered they will be contacted by a member of Ayrshire College for a one-to-one discussion before the actual event.

August 10, 2020

BackToSchool2020 #5 – Canteen Arrangements

Canteen Arrangements

The canteen is having to operate differently following our return to school.

For the foreseeable future the canteen will not be serving at interval – you should bring your own snack.  Also both can vending machines and all water dispensers will not be operating – you should bring your own drinking water to school.

At lunchtime all food/drinks from the canteen must be pre-ordered through the online Portal – see previous message issued on the App regarding how to activate this.  You will be given  five menu choices each day which will be ready for collection in a bag labelled with your name, year group and what you ordered on it.

To make sure we can issue these meals quickly each of the 5 options will be issued at a separate location:

Main Meal  – (first hot meal choice) –  from the till area that was previously the staff and senior pupil till area

Option 1 – (second hot meal choice) – from the till point opposite the second floor stairs

Option 2 – (panini choices) – right hand side of cold servery till area

Option 3 – (Pizzini choices) – outside Kiosk

Option 4 – (sandwich choices) – left hand side of cold servery till area


Please remember to keep space between each other in each of these queues.  Once at the front of the queue let the ladies serving know your year group and name so they can quickly pass you your food bag and get everyone served as quickly as possible.

You can still eat your lunch in the usual seating in The Street. Additionally the Assembly Hall will be opened up and desk and chairs set out in small groups of six with space between each– do not move the set-up of these desks.  If the weather is reasonable you should then go outside.

Remember these changes are all about keeping everyone safe and especially important is that you must be responsible for your own litter.  If you have bought food from the canteen put all waste back in the bag and bin it straight away.  If you have a packed lunch either bin your waste or take it home in your lunch box.

The cleaning arrangements must be different right now and we must all take responsibility to try to reduce risk as much as possible and binning our own litter in our social areas both inside and outside the building is an important way we can all do that. 

Remember to wash your hands at lunchtime either using soap or hand sanitizer.  Being particularly careful about all aspects of cleanliness such as reducing litter and especially regular handwashing has been shown to be the most important things you can do to reduce the spread of this virus and keeping you and everyone around you safe.

S2-6 – If you are going off campus for your lunch you should remember that like everyone else you should be socially distancing and wearing a face mask/ face covering when in shops.  Remember to be considerate of other people around you and again bin your litter.

We all want to be back and learning in school and by doing these simple things we should be able to achieve that and show your own local communities that pupils can lead the way in making that happen.

August 10, 2020

BackToSchool2020 #4 – New S6

Would S6 Pupils please note the following:

Can you please read the message going out to S1 about what they should be doing to get organised into their classes period 1 on Wednesday.  This process has to be different from previous years but it would be really helpful if you know what they need to do and help out with that by answering their questions outside before they come in and as you move through The Street as you head up to your class.

Further to the information which will be sent out about where you should go Period 1 on Wednesday this week if your timetable says that you have Leadership P1/2 can you please come back down to The Street to help the Guidance staff organise their classes.  You should then go along with a class and help out in the classroom until the end of period 2.

While the Guidance team are organising their new class I will come round each S6 class to ask for volunteers to act as guides to take the pupils to class and then return later to take on to their next class.

Please note that this will also include Friday morning even though the rest of S6 will not be in school.  I will be looking for 6 volunteers for each of the eight S1 classes. We will then have a brief meeting in the Assembly Hall and you can join the class assigned to you.

Thanks in advance for helping to make this as easy as possible for this session’s S1 cohort who have been unable to have transition in June and while excited will also no doubt be feeling understandably nervous as well.

Mrs Crawford

August 10, 2020

BackToSchool2020 #3 – New S1

Well S1 we are almost there your first day at Grange Academy which we have been preparing for since mid-March. We hope you are feeling positive and excited about this and remember we are all there to help you settle in and find your way about.

Further to the information for all pupils attending on Wednesday would S1 pupils please do the following at 8.45am:

As S3 and S5/6 pupils go to class can you remain in The Street area.

The Assembly Hall doors will be open and Bruce House pupils should move into the Hall and look for the sign for either 1B1 or 1B2 and join your class.

Douglas House pupils should go to the far end of The Street at the First floor stairs and join either 1D1 or 1D2 – look for the signs there.

Graham House (1G1 and 1G2 ) signs will be in the middle of The Street area.

Hamilton House (1H1 and 1H2) signs will be at the Canteen/ Second floor stairs end.

The Guidance Teachers will meet you here and check the class list to make sure they have everyone before they take you to a classroom.

I will be in the Street with all the class lists so if you are not sure which class you are in just come and ask.  There will also be a group of Senior Pupils who will help you get to the right place as well.

You will be with your Guidance Teacher for the first three periods as they want to get a chance to begin to get to know you and also to help go over information that you need before you start going to your teaching classes from period 4.  This will also give you a chance to get to know one another as a class group. You will get a copy of your timetable at this point as well – please take a photograph of this on your phone if you have brought it with you.

One thing that we need to do as quickly as possible is get you onto the portal that allows you to pre-order a canteen meal if you want to and will also mean that you will know your Grange username and password and be able to use the school computers.  You will also get a tour of the building at one point during this time too.

Each class will be have a group of S6 pupils from your own House group to link with you and take you from class to class each day this week.  They all remember how it feels to be starting school and want to make sure you feel secure and confident and will look out for all of you and answer your questions as you go through the week.

Please remember to bring a snack/drink for interval each day as the canteen will not be open at that time and the can vending machines and water dispensers will not be available at any time.

We are very much looking forward to meeting you all.

Mrs Crawford

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