Category Archives: How are we doing?

DDP Conference 2016

Delegate at International DDP Conference 2016:

I was lucky enough to hear two of …East Ayrshire’s Educational Psychologists, Ruth Miller and Blake Killeen, at the DDP 2016 conference in Glasgow last year, talking about their DDP-informed programme. It was brilliant and  I wondered at the time why on earth we don’t have all LAs where education works for everybody!

How are we doing?

Some examples from Session 2017-18:

Stakeholder Feedback
Young Person 17 year old who is maintaining school placement, reflecting on intervention received aged 15: “It’s helped me with my behaviour, I don’t do violence now”
Parent Mum of 12 year old boy: “You gave me my son back. To be honest he’d become just another kid to me. But you gave me my son back and I’ll always thank you for that.”
Community Practitioner “Oh my, I would never have thought of all of that! I have never seen her so happy and contented.”
Teacher: on DDP-informed practice “I would never have maintained her, or any of the kids I’ve had since. Their placements would have broken down here, they’d have been excluded left, right and centre if I’d not been sitting in those sessions with you. I am a better mum as a result too.”
Foster Carer Regarding Nurture Training: “Using PACE has changed the way we care for our kids.”
Nurture Teacher In consultation session: “I’ve stopped asking the children why they have done things so much now, we try to help them understand and give them the language by saying things like ‘I wonder why…’. We are seeing the impact of that. They are eventually able to tell us themselves and we can work it out together.”
Head of Education: on CELCIS blog “Massive congrats and thanks to Sharon and Mark – this work is hugely appreciated and clearly marks the great partnerships established in support of our accommodated young people.”
Teacher Regarding Training: “There has been a huge positive impact for the children and their families. The training sessions have had a huge impact on staff’s understanding and practice.”