DFS sunshine!

 During community time  the DFS group wrote some ‘Upside down poems’ and judged our logo competition.  There are 3 finialists, winner to be announced soon! We also celebrated our Bronze award in the sunshine!

National Digital Learning Week

As part of ‘National Digital Learning’ Week Primary 7 have examined Digital Learning and self assessed our ownership of Digital Learning. We have taken part in the Education Scotland, literacy challenge. This involved using digital technology to create Scottish Myth stories. We used Sways, Clicker 7 and PowerPoint as digital platforms.

‘This is a different way of approaching a task.’ Kaila

‘It’s creative and imaginative.’ Shaun.

’I’m enhancing my digital skills.’ PJ.

Alice art club

Lots of excellent work at the after school art club, in preparation for ‘Alice’. We are looking for principal characters to try and source items for their own costumes, we can help if this is tricky. More to follow…