Well done to all of Primary 3 on achieving their heritage hero award. 😁
June 26, 2019
by Mrs McCreadie
June 26, 2019
by Mrs McCreadie
Well done to all of Primary 3 on achieving their heritage hero award. 😁
May 7, 2019
by Mrs McCreadie
Primary 3 enjoyed their session with our active schools co ordinator today.
May 1, 2019
by Mrs McCreadie
Primary 3 are taking part in Run, Jump and Throw fitness every week until June.
April 30, 2019
by Mrs McCreadie
Curriculum overview Term 3
Primary 3 are ready to begin their final term this year before moving onto Primary 4 in August. There is a lot to cover in the term ahead but also lots of fun to be had! Here is an update on the upcoming term.
Our reading focus this term will focus on the skill of comprehension and how the children can understand, analyse and evaluate fiction and non-fiction texts. This is a skill that we have looked at in previous terms; however, we will be using our knowledge of our find it, prove it and talk about it strategies to investigate our texts. Our class novel began before the Easter holidays and will continue for some time. It is a book by Julia Donaldson called ‘The Giants and the Joneses’. This will be our main focus for literacy tasks this term and out bug club will continue as normal for our personal reading and homework texts. Our big writing sessions will focus on persuasive writing as well as the skill of note taking. This will also incorporate Listening and Talking through debate on opinions within the class.
The class will be continuing with learning their times tables and will implement this knowledge through multiplication and division problems. There will be a continued focus on problem solving, in particular, word problems as the children develop their ability to deal with these calculations effectively. Our beyond number topic within numeracy this term is measurement which incorporates area, volume, length and mass or weight.
Health and Wellbeing
The whole school will be taking part in health week this term which is a week-long focus on all aspects of health. During this week, the class will be learning about food health, internet safety, substance misuse and social wellbeing. Most of these topics will be covered further in the class. We will also be looking at our relationship and sexual health through our God’s Loving Plan program of work. If you require more information on this please contact the school directly. Our P.E focus for the term will be striking/field games and athletics which will allow us to practise for sports day at the end of term. Mr Bertoncini will also be taking the class for outdoor games and orienteering.
Interdisciplinary Topic
Our topic this term is Farming in Scotland. Much of our work will be incorporated into this topic which focuses on the different types of food that is produced on our Scottish farms, as well as how our climate and landscape impact on this production of food. We will look at the journey that food takes from farm to fork.
Well Done to all the children who made their sacrament of reconcilliation last term, and a big thank you to the children who did not make their sacrament, but who supported their friends through their faith journey. This term will focus on God’s Loving plan, The Easter Story and Our Lady, Mary. R.E time will continue to be a time of reflectiveness, peace and tranquillity for all of the children within Primary 3.
We will continue to work on our science topic of vertebrates and the characteristics that make them so different.
Expressive Arts
Art – Our focus this term will be on the use of textiles within art. We will link this into our topic whilst looking at wool from the sheep of Scottish farms.
Music – Primary 3 will continue to work on our understanding of the dynamics of music (for example crescendo/diminuendo – loud/soft) as well as allowing the children to listen to and experience different music genres.
Drama will be covered through our class assembly which takes place in May.
As we explore the different ways that computers and the internet help us in our day to day lives, we will also have a focus on how we can keep ourselves safe whilst using the internet. Many of our children are regularly accessing sites like Youtube or games like Roblox and whilst for the main part these sites are safe, our children do run the risk of finding themselves in a situation that they are uncomfortable with. We will look at what to do in these situations and who we can talk to for help. Towards the end of the term, the children will also be taking part in a coding challenge in which they will have to code a sphero robot and give it commands to follow.
As always, I would like to thank you for your on-going support. A gentle reminder that our P.E days are on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and that the children are required to bring their reading book to school with them each day. – Mrs McCreadie
March 13, 2019
by Mrs McCreadie
Primary 3 are busy preparing for their reconciliation next Tuesday.
March 8, 2019
by Mrs McCreadie
January 30, 2019
by Mrs McCreadie
Primary 3 took to the outdoors this afternoon for some much needed fun in the snow ❄☃
January 16, 2019
by Mrs McCreadie
Curriculum overview term 2
Primary 3 are working hard after the Christmas break. They have all had a brilliant time off and are ready for the learning ahead. Here is an update on the learning that will be taking place this term.
Our reading focus this term will be on the ability to read with expression. We will also be looking at the difference between fiction and non-fiction texts, in particular non-fiction through our Romans topic. We will be focussing our comprehension skills around literal questioning and how these types of questions can be answered. Within our writing this term, we will be focussing on how we open our writing, discussing and investigating the different types of openers. There will also be a focus on compound words and mnemonics. Our listening and talking focus will be on our ability to present to the class whilst following specific criteria, for example, to maintain eye contact and speak clearly and confidently. We will also be looking at what makes a good question.
The class will continue to work on their number processes and place value up to 1000. Some of the class will continue to work on their ability to order, sequence and place value up to 1000 as well as their number stories to 10, whilst the other groups in the class will look at subtraction within 1000 and their number stories to 20. As a class we will be learning about time. We will be looking at o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past using analogue and digital clocks. Primary 3 will continue their work on recalling their times tables and number talks.
Interdisciplinary topic
The class will be learning about the Romans. We will begin our topic by exploring the Roman Gods. The class will then look at the Roman soldiers and their ability to invade foreign lands and will then look at Gladiators and their place within Roman society. We will learn about Roman numerals and Mosaic patterns as part of our topic also.
Health and Wellbeing
Within P.E, Mr Bertoncini will teach the second block of gymnastics for the year whilst Mrs McCreadie will be focusing on fitness with the class. Within H&WB, Mr Bertoncini will be looking at the importance of sleep and diet for young people to grow and develop healthily. Mrs McCreadie will continue to work on mental health and mindfulness.
Religious education
We have already started looking at Jesus’ followers, in particular, his 12 apostles. We will read some stories from the bible to help us in understanding why these men gave up their lives to follow Jesus. During this term, some of our children will be preparing for the sacrament of reconciliation. The class will learn about the sacrament together and will support their peers in their faith journey.
Primary 3 will be learning about living things, in particular vertebrates. We will be learning about life cycles and how the energy flow circulates.
In ICT, primary 3 will experience GLOW for the first time and are very excited to get started on this. We will continue to work on our basic computing skills and how these can help us in everyday life.
Expressive Arts
Art- In art, we will be creating and constructing lots of projects through our Romans topic, for example a Roman shield. Music- In music, we will be learning about Scottish songs as well as looking as musical moods. Drama- The class will be taking part in dramatisations of the Roman Empire.
Please ensure that your child brings their P.E kit on Tuesday and Wednesdays and also that they bring their reading book to school every day.
September 28, 2018
by Mrs McCreadie
Primary 3 have been discussing bullying and what it means to us. We have looked at the different forms of bullying, for example physical and verbal. The children understand that bullying is a repeated action which makes them feel sad or worried. We have been focussing a lot this term on kindness and what makes a kind friend. The children know what to do if they find themselves in a situation that makes them feel like this and they know that they must look for adult support.
The whole school have been discussing bullying during assembly time and we will continue to work on our resilience and ability to deal with difficult situations as well as encouraging kindness within our school community.
September 17, 2018
by Mrs McCreadie
Primary 3 have been hard at work already this term. Below is a overview of learning that will be taking place in our class during the term ahead.
In Primary 3 this term we will be using our word attack strategies in spelling and reading through bug club . In reading, the class will be focussing on characters and setting within fiction books and also reading for information in non-fiction texts. Our writing will be focusing on descriptive language which is linked to our class novel. We will be looking at the use of adjectives to enrich our writing whilst still working on our understanding and use of basic punctuation skills. Within listening and talking, the class will be developing their ability to follow instructions successfully whilst giving good eye contact when interacting with their peers and adults around them.
The class will be working on their number processes. Some groups will be ordering numbers, sequencing numbers and place value of numbers up to 1000, whilst other groups will be working on addition within 100. Throughout the academic year, Primary 3 will be working on their ability to recall and retain their timetables. This term, we will be concentrating on our 2, 4, and 8 timetables. For our beyond number work, the class will be looking at 2D and 3D shape.
Interdisciplinary (topic)
Primary 3 have been reading the novel ‘The owl who was afraid of the dark’. This is a literacy based novel, however it will also cover health and well being and outdoor learning sessions.
Religious Education
For our religious education, we will be reading and discussing the story of Creation and how God loves us. We will also be celebrating each child’s talents and achievements.
Health and Well Being
P.E – The class will have one block of P.E with Mr Bertoncini on a Wednesday. Please see Mr Bertoncini’s blog to keep updated on what the children are doing. The other block of P.E will be covered by myself and this term we will be covering basic ball skills and then later on hockey.
Health and Well being – Through our class novel we will be looking at emotions and how we deal with these. We have been setting up our routines and expectations within the class and this will remain a focus until the class are completely settled. Mrs Rosa has also been into class to give us a refresher on massage and how this should be conducted within the class.
Primary 3 will be looking at dissolving within science. We will look at making predictions and how we can prove these.
The class will becoming more involved in the use of ICT both in the class and throughout the school. This term will be focusing on the basic use of computers and how they are used to help our learning. We will be looking at keyboard skills and opening and closing documents.
Expressive Arts
Through our topic, we will be looking at drawing through art. The children will look at line drawing and patterns. In music, we will be experimenting with percussion instruments whilst creating different musical moods.
It has been a busy start to the academic year. The children are beginning to settle to the routines of their Primary 3 class and I look forward to meeting you all at parent’s night. Mrs McCreadie.
P.E days – Tuesday/Wednesday
Outdoor Learning – alternate Thursdays