Nurture: Summer Term

As we are now in our last term of this academic session, the focus in both Nurture rooms will be to help each child reach their personal targets and achieve their goals. The summer term is usually a very busy term but nurture provision will continue to be available to all nurture pupils.


Willow Room

In the Willow Room, children are working hard on developing their literacy and maths strategies and skills, helping them to better prepare for transition to their mainstream classroom over the coming months, ready to be a full time member of their class in August. For those children, that will mean spending less time in the Willow Room and more time with their class teacher and peers. This will be a gentle transition, and personally tailored to suit each child’s needs.

For those who are remaining in nurture next session, the summer term will give teacher and pupil an opportunity to prepare for the other changes that will affect them next session, such as a change of teacher or support staff and moving to a new classroom. For some children this change can be difficult and the time spent in the Willow Room will help to prepare the children socially and emotionally for the changes a head.

The literacy and maths activities will maintain a link to current activities and teaching happening in each child’s own classroom with their class teacher, to ensure continuity and progression is being made. Children will of course work at their own pace; with the necessary support, but the focus will be on becoming more independent learners.

The health and wellbeing aspect of nurture provision, will very much be based on preparing for change, and equipping children with the tools to cope with the changes ahead. Welly Wednesday will continue, as will outdoor learning opportunities, to help children to recognise responsibilities, how to keep themselves safe and how to work together to achieve a common goal.


Oak Room

The Oak Room will still operate on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons and the main focus will still be preparing for change and the transition to secondary school. As our summer term progresses, new worries or concerns about change are likely to be a focal point of discussion for our transition children. This will be tackled within primary 6/7 and 7 classrooms, but for the Oak pupils, there will be further opportunities to discuss some of these issues further.

Like the Willow pupils, the Oak Room pupils health and wellbeing focus, will very much be based on preparing for change, and equipping children with the tools to cope with the changes ahead. This is an exciting but challenging time for many primary 7 pupils, as they prepare for secondary school, leaving the many memories, staff and familiarity of the primary school behind them to embark on the next chapter of their school life. The aim of the Oak Room is to make this transition as easy as possible for the children in the nurture programme.

The upper primary children are very excited to be presenting their summer show but due to show rehearsals, the Oak Room may not always run two full afternoons per week as previously arranged. I will however, always be around to support our transition group pupils at any time and if a check in or a chat is required, this can be arranged to suit pupils and rehearsal times.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me,

Mrs Travers

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