Tag Archives: numeracy

Primary 6 Bar Modelling

For the last two weeks Primary 6 have been learning how to use the bar modelling strategy in maths. The main aim of a bar model is to be a pictorial representation of the underlying structure of a maths problem.

Bar modelling is an early introduction to algebra and hopefully as the children become more familiar with this strategy so will their confidence when tackling more complex maths problems.

Initially we are exploring how to use this strategy as  a whole group in preparation for Barvember. Barvember has been created by White Rose Maths, where daily bar modelling problems are released throughout the month of November.

I have attached a copy of some of the problems we have been tackling in class. As you can see the problems become progressively harder. My aim is for the children to independently tackle problem 4, however this will take time as they familiarise themselves with this way of working.

Thurs 7th Nov 2019 Barvember Solutions

P3b Termly Targets

Dear Parents/Carers, please open the link to see Primary 3b learning targets for this term. As the class are hard working and industrious, our work programme is well underway and the children delight me everyday with their enthusiasm for teaching and learning. Please keep looking at the blog as I will share the lovely learning ongoing. With kindest regards, Miss Barrett.

P3b Class Targets Aug – December 2020