Tag Archives: numeracy

Primary 2 Tuesday 12th January Home learning

Tuesday 12th January 2021


Numeracy begins with an activity in our messy maths jotter. You can choose between ‘Green for go’ or ‘Pink for think’. Using only the numbers below create your own addition calculations (no subtraction today) and work out the answer. Remember to use things like a whiteboard, number line, cubes and so on to help you work out the answers.

Green for go

1 5 0
 9 3 2
7 18 11


Pink for think

95 14 75
31 16 2
42 11 26

 Today we will continue with some more revision.

  • Recite numbers forwards and backwards to 20/50/100
  • Count forwards and backwards in 2’s,5’s and tens.
  • Order random numbers to 20/50/100. Ask your grown up to give you no more than five numbers that you need to put in the correct order smallest to largest and then largest to smallest.
  • Previously you have learned about odd and even numbers. Today head to YouTube and read this story all about odd and even and tomorrow we will complete some odd and even activities.




Usually in class you would complete questions that relate to your reading book, since it is the first week back you do not have a reading book so instead you can read and answer questions all about elephants.

(If you have access to Twinkl here is the link https://content.twinkl.co.uk/resource/44/6a/t-e-2550266-ks1-all-about-elephants-differentiated-reading-comprehension-activity-aged-5-7_ver_3.pdf?token=exp=1610373580~acl=%2Fresource%2F44%2F6a%2Ft-e-2550266-ks1-all-about-elephants-differentiated-reading-comprehension-activity-aged-5-7_ver_3.pdf%2A~hmac=e7327f79367c8a5cec0e8adde455230b5b7a1670fc1e79647b67313ee2233623 )

If you do not have access if will upload the text and questions. If you are in the yellow group then you should read an answer the first text. If you are in the purple group then you should try the second or third text and then answer the questions. If you’re not sure which group you are then please send me an email.


comprehension click on the word comprehension to access the activity.


Each day (Monday-Thursday) you should be looking at your tricky words and phonemes. Why not try to make them a different way each day?

For example

Monday Rainbow writing
Tuesday Play dough
Wednesday Look, cover, write and check
Thursday Shaving foam/sand




Red Group

Your last book was Egyptian adventure or The Rainbow machine. This week your new book is The Evil Genie, this is a great story all about Floppy and his unfortunate adventure. This can be accessed via YouTube.


Orange Group

Previously this group were reading The magic key and Roy at the fun park. Your new book is The Dream this can be accessed via YouTube.


Green Group

Previously you were reading The toys’ party and A new dog. Your new book this week is ‘What a bad dog!’


Blue Group

Previously you were reading Lost in the jungle and The Lost Key, your new reading book is Red Planet. This can be accessed via YouTube.

Health and Wellbeing

At the moment school is a bit different as we are all working from home, however I would like you to set yourself a target, it may be that you have a target each week or month. Your target can be for any area of the curriculum. Perhaps you will set yourself the target of always beginning your writing at the start of the line and writing to the end of the line. Perhaps your target is to count to 20 in 2’s. It can be anything you want to aim for. Talk to your grown up at home about what you would like to work on. Then each week on a Friday you could tell me something you have done that week that you are really proud of. This might be something that is helping you move towards achieving your target or it might be something else. I can’t wait to see all the things you are achieving.

Remember to keep reading over the poem ‘Mince and Tatties’ ready for our Scottish fortnight beginning next week.

P3b Home Learning

Hello P3b,

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a happy new year!

I wish we were all together to share our stories from over the holidays and hopefully we will soon enough.

Please find attached a document which tell you about your tasks for the day, a template for your weekly journal (weekly news) and a PowerPoint introducing our new topic.

I am looking forward to seeing all the fabulous work you produce at home.

Have a good day.

p3b mon 11 jan

weekly news document

birds 2

Tuesday 8th December Primary 2 Numeracy

Good morning

For today’s numeracy begin by showing your grown up that you can count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. Remember you can make use of Youtube videos such as The Singing Walrus and Scratch Garden.


Let us continue our focus on time. today I would like you to demonstrate that you can show an hour earlier or later. This can be done with digital time as well.



Have a look around your house, do you have any clocks analogue or digital? Do you have the time on objects that are not clocks?  You could draw some of the things you have found in your home that show the time. Can you draw the object again and show the time an hour earlier or later.

Remember in primary two we have been learning o’clock and half past. You may know some other times as well.

Friday 4th December Primary 2 Numeracy

For numeracy today I would like you all to try some mental maths questions. You could write your answers on a whiteboard or some paper.


  1. Double 7?
  2. What is one less than 9?
  3. What is the difference between 14 and 18?
  4. Dave has 5 cars, Jack has 10 cars, how many more does Jack have?
  5. What is the sum of 13 and 6?
  6. Subtract 4 from 12.
  7. I am driving my bus , three people get on at the first stop, at the next stop 5 people get on , at the last stop 2 people get off. How many people are on the bus.
  8. What is half of 16?
  9. 19 minus 3?
  10. Add these numbers together 4 and 6 and 5

Today you could also try the three minute number challenge. Set a timer for three minutes, begin at zero and write your numbers how high can you go before the timer runs out? You could have a competition with the people in your home.

You could also try our 50 to 0 challenge. Set the timer for three minutes and begin with 50, can you write all the numbers to zero before the time runs out?

You could also watch Numberjacks on YouTube or watch some of the Scratch Garden number songs.

Primary 2 Wednesday 2nd December Numeracy



Good morning.

Our numeracy focus this week is time. You could make your very own clock. Make sure the numbers are in the correct place. Show your grown up o’clock, half past and any other times you already know. Remember to include digital times as well.

If yesterday, you completed the time activity Fun in the park and the one-hour before and after clocks then today you can complete the activity below, this involves writing the time one hour before and after however today can you do it with half past times?

If you are in the smaller maths group then you can complete the activity ‘Tell the time: Writing the time.

Remember you can also use the My Maths website. (you have the login information at home)

Numeracy Primary 2 Monday 30th November

The children have been learning about time. The focus has been on o’clock and half past. Last week the focus moved to digital time. Many children were able to show o’clock and half past digitally.

We have been discussing

  • how many seconds in a minute
  • minutes in an hour
  • days in a week/fortnight/month/year
  • hours in a day
  • the days of the week (names/order)
  • the months of the year (names/order/ how many)
  • Seasons

This week if you are in the larger maths group then your focus is now on using a simple calendar. Please see the image that is attatched to this post. Can you answer the questions about the information that is on the calendar


On which day does Jessica go swimming?

Who has a birthday on a Thursday?

What is different about the last hockey training session to the others?]

On what date is Jessica going to the cinema with her friends?

What time does Jessica’s piano lesson begin?

When is Owen’s birthday?

How many hockey training sessions are there before the hockey final?

Primary 2 Numeracy Monday 30th November

For numeracy we have been learning all about time. Our focus has been o’clock and half past. The children have been doing this very well and now the focus is on o’clock and half past in digital time.

If you are in the group of children who have been completing the workbook then the activities on this post are for you to complete.

You could go around your house and find things that have a digital time on them. You could draw pictures of them. If you have catalogues or magazines you could cut out any pictures of clocks that you can find.

Remember we have been discussing

  • how many seconds in a minute
  • minutes in an hour
  • days in a week/fortnight/month/year
  • hours in a day
  • the days of the week (names/order)
  • the months of the year (names/order/ how many)
  • Seasons