Tag Archives: Anti bullying

One Kind Word – Anti Bullying Week 2021

This week, the school and P7 are taking part in Anti Bullying Week and today we made posters on things our classmates think about us and a Wonder portrait of our selfs. They are amazing and look fabulous. We loved writing kind comments about our classmates and felt good about it. The Wonder Poster ties into our reading book, they represent that everyone is important and that everyone is worth the same no matter how they look.

By ID P7 Blogger ✨

Friday 4th December Primary 2 Respect me Logo competition


Respect Me logo & slogan competition Dec 2020

Earlier this term we all took time in our classes to talk about bullying with your help we want to make sure that everyone in Dunlop Primary & ECC knows what bullying is, what to do if they experience bullying and how we can stand up to bullies, ensuring that our school continues to be a safe and happy place for us all. To help promote this across the school we are asking you to be very creative and design a colourful, eye-catching school anti-bullying logo/badge with a slogan that everyone from the ECC to P7 will understand and recognise.

The winning logo and slogan will then be made into posters and displayed across the school. There will be a prize for the best entry in each class and for the overall school winner-good luck!
Remember to write your name and class on the back of your sheet and return it by Friday 11th December