
A very warm welcome to Dunlop Primary School and Early Childhood Centre.

Please enjoy our school website where you will find a host of information using the tabs above.

Dunlop Primary School and ECC is situated in a picturesque building, built in 1931, in the heart of the rural community of Dunlop. We have a strong partnership with our families and local community supported by parents, carers and our Parent Council.

Dunlop is steeped in history and our school badge incorporates our local history including Dunlop Hill, Clerkland Cheese Dairy and our farming heritage. Our school houses of Clerkland, Glazert, and Lugton were named after local areas to the village.

Our school motto of ‘Climb That Hill’ encourages all pupils to always rise to every challenge.

In September 2019, our Pupil Council consulted with pupils, parents, staff, and stakeholders to agree our school values. It was agreed, the four most important values for the children and pupils of Dunlop Primary School & ECC are for us to be:

Happy        Kind         Respectful       Honest

Our school values play an important role within our school; staff and pupils alike strive to demonstrate these each day through our learning and practice.

Our aim is to provide in partnership with parents/carers, a well-balanced curriculum that will enable each child to reach their full potential and develop their talents. We hope to create in all children a positive attitude to learning, the ability to co-operate with others, to make reasonable moral judgements and to have a caring attitude to the community as well as fostering an appreciation of the world in which we live. We intend to support our children and young people gain the knowledge, skills, attributes and capabilities they will need to be successful in life in the 21st century, including developing skills for learning, life and work.

Mrs Laura Kelly

Head Teacher

Dunlop Primary School and Early Childhood Centre

Primary 1 Planning Term 1

Numeracy & Mathematics

Estimating & Rounding – the children are exploring and discussing numbers in their environment.  They are beginning to use the language of before, after and between when talking about the position of a number on a line or track.

Number & Number processes –  the children are using number rhymes and songs to explore counting.  They are exploring counting amounts within 10 and have an understanding that the last number counted tells them the quantity.  They are working hard to recognise and recall numerals to 10, then 20, including zero and identify missing numbers in these sequences.  The children are counting on and back in ones along number lines and floor tracks.  They have an understanding that when you add the number gets bigger and one more is the  number after.  We will then continue to explore adding on two and partition numbers to build up story facts eg. 5+0, 4+1, 3+2,  etc.

Fractions, Decimals & Percentages – the children will share amounts equally into smaller groups and share a whole into two equal parts (halves) and know that they are the same size.

Time –  as part of our birthdays topic we have been exploring the sequence of the  days of the week and months of the year.  We will also discuss the key features of the seasons.

Measurement – we are using the vocabulary tall, short, this, fat, heavy and light and comparing more than two objects by size – big, bigger, biggest.

2D shapes & 3D objects – recognise and name common 3D shapes in real life contexts.  We will sort 3D and 2D shapes and objects using given and own criteria and identify 2D shapes within 3D shapes.

Data Handling – the children have made a birthday pictogram of their birthdays and this will be extended to include other types of information which will be gathered and sorted to include Carroll diagrams.  The children will match and sort objects with a set of criteria based on properties.

Literacy & Modern Language

From now and  until December the children will cover the following sounds and common words:

a  s   at.  t  p  the I.

i  n  is  it.  r  m  an  in.

d  e  and,  am.  c  k  me, my.

g  l  did,  as.  f  o  he, can.

b  u  we, into.  h  w  go,  get.

They children will begin to use the above in their writing and recognise these words in stories.  The children will begin to read Oxford Reading Tree stories, stage 1 and 2 and we have already started reading these in class.  They will also be introduced to core words in the stories which will come home with reading books.  Books should be read every night.

The children will be introduced to the French puppet Camembear who will introduce colours in French.

Health & Wellbeing

P. E. days are Monday and Thursday and the children will participate in Games (large and small ball skills) and Gymnastics.  Nearer to Christmas we will learn party dances.

This term we are finding out about internet safety through a story about Digiduck.  The children are also exploring feelings, safe adults in the community, Code of Conduct around the school, being safe, being seen road safety during winter months and where food comes from as part of our Farm topic.  The children also brush their teeth every day in class so we are also discussing cleanliness and good hygienic practices.

We will be completing our Birthdays topic by the end of the week and will begin The Farm after October holidays.  We will also complete a Vibrations and musical instrument topic before Christmas.  These topics will include art and design painting,  drawing and collage activities.  The Nativity will cover all Drama outcomes.

The children are using computers and laptops in class to play games and begin word processing.  At the moment they are practising word processing skills in order to become more familiar with the keyboard.  It would be helpful at home to practise logging on and off programmes.







P4 Open Hour

Thank you to all our visitors who popped in to see what Primary 4 were up to in literacy. We worked together in our Carousel Groups on ‘amazing adjectives’ and then had fun making our own ‘mini me’ with personality and behaviour adjectives. I know that some of you enjoyed having an input with this! 🙂

Supporting your child with Numeracy and Maths



read-right-count-logoCounting with me is as easy as 1…2…3!

Counting doesn’t just mean maths. It’s loads of things… counting out coins, reading the time and playing Snakes and Ladders. Try these activities and you’ll soon realise there’s an endless amount of ways that you and your child can count together.

Counting tips, ideas and activities

Numeracy and Maths Glossary
This glossary has been developed for parents and carers.  This includes early learning and childcare through to 3rd year in secondary schools. It provides clear definitions of some of the commonly used terms in numeracy and mathematics. It is organised according to Curriculum for Excellence and includes images and diagrams to support the definitions. To access the glossary, please click here.

I am a Mathematician
Education Scotland has launched its ‘I am a mathematician’ resource to help parents and carers support their children’s learning with engaging activities to do at home. Evidence suggests that children’s enthusiasm can be affected by a lack of confidence. Parents and carers can play a vital role in reinforcing the importance of maths to their children, promoting a positive attitude towards it and making it a fun activity to do together as a family.

Mental Maths Strategies – Number Talks
Information to follow

Does your child enjoy playing with Lego?  Numeracy and Maths links below.


Climb that Hill

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